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Oscar Muñoz

Oscar Muñoz: des/materializaciones is an exhibition curated by the artist himself in collaboration with Ana Vallés, the Director of Fundació Sorigué. The works included in the exhibition emphasize the exploration of the moment before and after the image is fixed on a stand. This vital process of interchangeable and infrequent images show its ephemeral nature in time and memory.

Since his first works in Cali (Colombia) in the 1970s, and after more than forty years of artistic career, Oscar Muñoz is recognized nowadays as one the most outstanding contemporary creators globally. Since the eighties, he has been exploring and discovering the expressive capacity and the symbolic load of materials, substances and physical processes. His continuous search and constant development of the aforementioned, provide us with the key to accept our existence and understand ourselves in terms of dynamic and circumstantial realities.

Oscar Muñoz´s works use different and innovative techniques for the use of the image, through which he explores the notion of reality and time. Important elements such as water, light, or fog work at the same time as metaphor and as support for the image. Muñoz goes from the drawing, from a precise stroke and from two-dimensional formats to a very dynamic experimentation with different resources, in what we call a process of disintegration or dematerialisation.