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Sicardi | Ayers | Bacino: 25+

Published by Sicardi | Ayers | Bacino

Sicardi | Ayers | Bacino: 25+


25+ is a compilation of 71 texts from prior catalogues and writings that Sicardi | Ayers | Bacino have released over the years to promote our artists. From exhibition to exhibition, we have trusted in our commissioned writers’ expertise to complement our artists’ work with curatorial research. This publication highlights the work and dialogue of more than 52 artists and 49 curators, together producing an extraordinary compendium of Latin American art.

The gallery’s comprehensive archive endows this publication with over 400 pages of text in addition to exhibition images and artist biographies. Following an alphabetical format, 25+ contains a section for each artist who has exhibited with the gallery, providing an in-depth snapshot of Sicardi | Ayers | Bacino’s history. Some of the most brilliant thinkers in Latin American art history and beyond contributed to these texts including Beverly Adams, Andrea Giunta, Luis Pérez-Oramas, James Oles, Matthieu Poirier, and Gabriela Rangel.